Monday, October 26, 2009

A Dragon Clears its Head

Meryl Streep, as Miranda in The Devil Wears Prada (2006) animates disdain with a virtuoso half-shake of her head around 00:20 into this clip.

It's a very self-indulgent behaviour that persons in power might use to show the heroic effort it takes to process communications with lower life forms. Once again the eyes need to divert their focus - in this case by way of a protracted blink - so the mind can double its efforts to think. Streep adds a slight swoon to ramp up her diva-like gracefulness factor. This is a short and sweet gesture that sends a fistful of unspoken brass knuckles outwards at great speed.

*Side note: just leading into this portion there's awkward cut-across-action between the long shot of her at her desk and the tighter setup. It feels as though we're backtracking a bit in time, and may be improved with a few frames chopped off the tail of the long shot.

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